Sunday, January 16, 2011

miami dophins

Every year they suck. They sucked when they had Dan Marino but at least they were fun to watch then... now they just suck and they really don't look like they will get any better anytime soon :-(
we suck

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Missing Comments

It really torques me that my comment did not show up on this blog, so I had to post it again.

Getting Here

What really bugs me is the pain in the butt it was to get to this point!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

timid drivers

People who slow way down at the end of a green light because they are just sure they are not going to make the light... well guess what, they don't.
Meanwhile you and 6 cars behind you that would have made the light at a reasonable speed miss the light too.

Mackenzie Phillips

Mackenzie Phillips...nuff said

I need to vent

This is a blog space where I can vent about stuff that's buggin me!
Since a lot of stuff is buggin me this blog should be pretty active.

The first thing I can think of that is buggin me is people who post comments every 15 minutes all day long on Facebook. The worst of these are people with iPhones or Crackberries that are simultaneously tweeting and Facebooking. The result is when checking your news feed you have to scroll through hundreds of posts by these self absorbed idiots to see posts you want to read.