Sunday, November 20, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

tennis grunters

People who grunt or women who shreek everytime they hit the ball.
The worst are little girls who sound like barking Pomeranians.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


People who pronounce coupon as quepon.
The pronunciation is used by every wacko food hoarder on Extreme Couponing.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


This is the worst designed crap ever to permeate the world since Microsoft.

Down in Front!!!

OK I saved my allowance for a year and waited in line for hours to see my favorite boy band group, The Wanted, and some bitches in front of me block my view of the stage with thier "I <3 The Wanted" signs!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

cee lo

hey cee lo,
why are you on every show now?

VW TV ads

The ad with the stupid guy setting off a car alarm in the showroom was annoying.
The punch bug ad was unnecessarily painful.
Now the one with the kid and a guy beating the crap out of a piƱata is irritating.
Seeing them over and over in the same show doesn't help.
VWs used to be cool…

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

coupons that aren't worth it

25¢ off coupon... are you kidding me?
Or maybe worse buy 2 get 50¢ off!
And why are there ads that don't have coupons in with the coupons... I hate that!

Friday, April 15, 2011

people who litter

You have to be a totally self absorbed a-hole to throw trash out of your car or worse leave it on the beach!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

cell phone drivers

You can't drive, so yeah sure start using your crackberry in traffic!
Oh and we'll wait for you when you decide to use gas pedal.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


They stop 4 car lengths short at the light and gradually creep forward while waiting.
They're usually yacking on a cell-phone.

Friday, February 25, 2011

punk sandwich stealing seagulls

Seagulls that aren't respectful to famous seagull advocates who saved them from being trapped in a net by delinquent teenage boys!
What's this world coming to? This is only funny when it happens to other people.


I don't know what is worse a group of  high pitched shrieking brats or their brain dead, deaf, self-entitled parents.
Seeing who can outscream each other is not a good game unless you are on a deserted island (if only).
Way to ruin my peaceful day at the beach! Heads up jerks, there's other people in the world besides your inbred, obese family!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

stuff that's on sale but isn't

I hate it when I read in the Publix newspaper ad that something is on sale and get all the way to the check-out with it only to find out that it's not on sale until tomorrow. Would it kill them to have the sales start on the day they appear in the paper?
Fancy Feast is not 10 for $5.00 until tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

lip jobs

Why do beautiful women with money think they have to get lip jobs?
Not everybody can or should be Angelina Jolie.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

no turn signal

People who don't use their turn signals.
Are you really that lazy? Or are you just a jerk?!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

arm drop

Rich Christensen's arm drop on Pinks All Out.
Every show has an issue with this d-bag's insistence on doing his egomaniacal arm drop routine.
Note to Rich: They put those trees on the track for a reason!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

some Walmart cashiers

I go to all the trouble to stack my 40+ cat food cans by flavor and the cashier scans each can individually!
That's OK, I didn't have anything else to do today!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

miami dophins

Every year they suck. They sucked when they had Dan Marino but at least they were fun to watch then... now they just suck and they really don't look like they will get any better anytime soon :-(
we suck

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Missing Comments

It really torques me that my comment did not show up on this blog, so I had to post it again.

Getting Here

What really bugs me is the pain in the butt it was to get to this point!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

timid drivers

People who slow way down at the end of a green light because they are just sure they are not going to make the light... well guess what, they don't.
Meanwhile you and 6 cars behind you that would have made the light at a reasonable speed miss the light too.

Mackenzie Phillips

Mackenzie Phillips...nuff said

I need to vent

This is a blog space where I can vent about stuff that's buggin me!
Since a lot of stuff is buggin me this blog should be pretty active.

The first thing I can think of that is buggin me is people who post comments every 15 minutes all day long on Facebook. The worst of these are people with iPhones or Crackberries that are simultaneously tweeting and Facebooking. The result is when checking your news feed you have to scroll through hundreds of posts by these self absorbed idiots to see posts you want to read.